Screen Related Informations

Viewport Size

Available Screen Informations

Rudimentary Explanation

screen.width                           // Physical device screen width
screen.height                          // Physical device screen height

screen.availWidth                      // Available screen width, minus taskbar etc. of the operating system
screen.availHeight                     // Available screen height, minus taskbar etc. of the operating system
window.innerWidth                      // The current browser's visible viewport (window) width including vertical scroll bar
window.innerHeight                     // The current browser's visible viewport (window) height including horizontal scroll bar  

window.outerWidth                      // The outer browser's window width including vertical scroll bar, toolbars, sidebars etc.
window.outerHeight                     // The outer browser's window height including horizontal scroll bar, taskbars, menubars, etc.

document.documentElement.clientWidth   // Visible width of the HTML page, minus vertical scroll bar
document.documentElement.clientHeight  // Visible height of the HTML page, minus horizontal scrollbar
document.body.clientWidth              // Full width of the HTML page, minus vertical scroll bar
document.body.clientHeight             // Full height of the HTML page, minus horizontal scrollbar

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